Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It is my joy to reach you all through this newsletter. Many exciting and Positive things are happening at Agape Orphanage. I can assuredly tell you that it is happening because God’s children are praying for it, and the Holy Spirit enabled all of us to be the part of these great incidents.
Agape Orphanage Children
As I am looking back, how the Lord led us over a period of 15 years to minister to the less-fortunate children in the areas of rehabilitation, education, and nurturing them in Spiritual matters. We were able to minister to 58 children through this ministry over the period of 15 years and to see that they are doing well in their life.
Samuel is an orphan. Fifteen years ago, he came to the Agape children’s home with his sister when he was 2 ½ years old. He completed his high school. He took believers baptism. In one of the church meetings he dedicated himself for the Lord’s work. At present he is studying in a reputed seminary in South India. This has made my heart very joyful because the aim of our ministry is to spread the Gospel in India. Since Samuel has dedicated his life we are sure that the Lord will enable him to continue in this ministry. Thank you so much for supporting Samuel. May I request you all to continuously support and sponsor Samuel in his seminary education and see that he is excelling in our Master’s vineyard. There are many more children like Samuel, looking forward for the financial assistance to pursue their secular education.
Vacation Bible School
During the summer vacation, we were able to conduct Vacation Bible School. There were 120 children who attended regularly for the 10-days VBS program. It was a golden opportunity for us to minister to the children. Last year our attendance in VBS was only 60 children.
Children with crown- Seen from VBS
This year it has grown up to 120 children. Children brought their friends. This was a special time for children to study the Word of God, learn new songs, stories, and memorize many more Bible verses.

2009 March will be our next VBS kindly pray for the staff and the children who will be attending the classes. VBS is the best way to reach out children as well as the families. After the VBS got over we have started our Sunday school class and at present we have 17 children from the Hindu background is regularly attending the Sunday school Class. Now guess what? Parents are eager to know more about the word of God and we are getting some enquiries.
Esther is in her second year college studies which will be finals for her. Continually uphold Sridhar, Krishna, Ravi, Mani and Sneha who have completed their high school and are continuing their education.
Five of the senior students of Agape Foster Home have witnessed their faith through water baptism, in obedience to the Word of God. Please do pray for these young lives to stand firm in their new life.
There is a saying in English, “Little drops of water makes a mighty ocean”. Your small and big contribution towards this ministry will make great significance in the lives of many less-fortunate children. The expense in Bangalore city is growing up beyond our expectation. Since this is a faith ministry, may I request all of you to increase the donations little more to minister to these children with the touch of ‘love of Christ’. Your prayer is important for us. You can tell your friends and relatives about this ministry which is also equally important along with your prayers.

Christmas Gifts
As we are approaching Christmas, May I request you to remember the children in the Agape orphanage and share your financial gifts to them to celebrate Christmas with joy. Last year one of our prayer partner and his family have visited the Agape Orphanage and celebrated the Christmas with our children. They said it was a wonderful experience in their life to celebrate Christmas with the orphanage children. Perhaps you and your Sunday school class may send a gift to these orphan children to know your love, write to them that you care them and love them.
Indian Institute of Theology and mission
As we are doing our work among the Lepers and the less fortunate children in India for the last fifteen years our ministry was growing. We felt the need of training the young people for the ministry to preach the word of God to the unreached communities in India. After much prayer and guidance from the Lord we have started our Bible school Program where we can train people. We offer a three year bachelor degree residence program with practical training Students of I I TM

Under the leadership of local pastors. Our Bible school is running at the Dr. Wilfred Landrus Center, Which is a donation from Mrs. Clara Landrus in memory of her late husband. At present we have 6 students getting
training at I I T M. All our students are not in a financial position to pay their tuition and food expenses due to various reasons. We have students even from Burma, Communist Military ruling country. The students they cross the Border and come to our institute for the theological studies. “Sangyong” a young man came to our institute with only one shirt and one pant which he was wearing. We need to encourage them to continue their study at IITM. Here I am making an appeal to all our supporters to stick on with us to carry on the work in India.
To educate one student at IITM will cost us US $100 a month. May I request you kindly support us with your small and big donations to help this young people to get their Education.
New Baby in Our HomeRev. Alex Korulla and Reny Alex are blessed with one more Baby boy in to their family. We have named him Benjamin Joseph Alex and he was born on 15th May 2008. Blessen has turned to 13 on 22nd October. He is studying in 7th grade. Bensen is 11 ½ and he is studying in the 6th grade. Kindly uphold us in your prayers and give us your maximum support in which we are involved.

Rev. Alex, Reny, Bensen, Blessen with baby Benjamin.
Your Prayers are very much appreciated for our family.

Some tips to help us

Many a time our friends have asked me how to send the financial donations to Agape.
Well, it is very simple. Write a check in the name of Agape Leprosy Ministries India and at the memo kindly mention that for what project you are sending the donation. After you mail it to us kindly intimate our office via E-mail so that we can track on it. As soon as we received your donations at our office we will mail a receipt with a thank you note.

We are on the process of forming a 501 status organization and if it is done we will let you know. Until then if you need a tax receipt you may kindly send all donations through your local church.

Our projects

Agape orphanage
You can sponsor a child and it will cost you only US $ 1 per day – Monthly US $ 30. This amount is not even the cost one bottle of water in USA, and all the child sponsors will get the photo and a thank you letter from the child. We are committed to keep inform the progress of the child. You may feel free to do the communications with the children whom you are sponsoring

Visit our web site www.agapefosterhome.org

Indian Institute of Theology and Mission
Students can be sponsored by your generous donations as well as your sponsorship. Remember you are investing it in the expansion of the kingdom of God.

Visit our web site www.iitmissions.org

Our postal Address

Rev. Alex Korulla
Agape Leprosy Ministries India,
K.M 501, Behind St, Pious Church
Kammanahalli, Bangalore 560084 India

Wishing you the very best, Peace be with you

Yours in his mission field,

Rev. Alex Korulla ( President )

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